Ye Sheng Mao Jian (Wild Woolly Blades), AA, 2024.
Old price - 1.2 zloty. New price - 1.0 zloty. Offer valid only for online orders
Green tea
135 G
Ye Sheng Mao Jian - literally translated as "Woolly blades of wild trees." It gets its name for the green tea from Fujian province from the tiny, fresh leaves from the spring harvest, twisted into the thinnest openwork tendrils. In chahe you can enjoy all shades of green with an emerald matte sheen and inhale the aroma of fresh herbs, pumpkin seeds, young peas and sunflowers.
The water is no more than 75° and we drink from the first pour. Pouring is fast enough, the first one within five seconds, otherwise the tea will give an astringent bitterness. The infusion is light green in color with a pistachio tint. The taste is soft and delicate, with refreshing and intriguing acidity. The sweetness of bamboo, hops, peas, spinach, freshly cut grass, broccoli and a hint of jasmine. Sour tones are expressed by basil, mint, rose and a hint of black currant. A transient sweet and sour aftertaste, slightly tart. A state of smooth tension, fresh thoughts and harmony of mind. Perfectly brings you into a sense of awareness of what is going on around you, as if you took a cold shower in the morning after sleeping.
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