Yu Hua Que She Xian Hao ("Tongues of sparrows and rain flowers"), AAA, 2024.

Old price - 3.05 zloty. New price - 2.44 zloty. Offer valid only for online orders

2.44 zl

Green tea

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Green tea from Jiangsu province.

The name comes from the appearance of the leaves from which this tea is made. The compact bud with two leaves has a forked appearance, which is called sparrow tongue in China. To get this form, you have to guess the time of harvesting the raw materials, when the bud, covered with a delicate white down, is just beginning to open.

The leaves, which are a delicate emerald color when warmed by the breath, emit a fresh, subtle aroma of green on a misty morning (hence the hieroglyph "Rain Blossoms" in the name). The infusion is pearly, light green, with rich, dense, fresh flavors of bamboo, freshly cut grass and red apple. The sweetness is balanced by a pleasant acidity of basil, orchid and black currant. The taste is sonorous, floral and spicy, balanced. The aftertaste is pleasant, sweet.

A spring tea that brings peace, restores balance, clears the mind and fills with the freshness of the morning meadow.

Tea form: Sipped
tea level
Tea quality: AAA (exceptional quality)
what occasion
For what occasion: For mornings, For special occasions
Flavor: Soft, Delicate, Smooth, Herbal tones, Sour, Refreshing, Long aftertaste
body effect
Effects on the body: Tonifies, Refreshes, Concentrates thoughts
production year
Year of tea production: 2024
tea raw materials
Raw materials: plantation-grown tea, tea buds
brewing temperature
Brewing temperature: 60-75°С
origin country
Country of origin: China

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