Da Wu Ye Dan Cong (solitary bushes with large dark leaves), AA

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In recent years, this variety has been increasingly seen under a different name, namely Ya Shi Xiang. Here the matter is simple, Big Dark Leaf is a variety of shrub that has really big, dark green leaves. The spring harvest (in May) is famous for its softness and even delicacy of flavor.

The master has excellent instincts and apparently has been working for a long time - the tea was prepared without haste, and the heating turned out to be closer to the traditional one - deep enough so that the raw materials do not wander, and at the same time moderate time so that the individuality of the aroma and color of the brew is still preserved. And the color is sunny, it's simply lemonade drenched in sunshine. This Dan Cong also manages to satisfy with unexpected notes, sometimes lilac creeps into the aroma, it is quickly replaced by the density of orchid, but still at some point it is a real lilac bush blooming around the corner of the house. Aroma and flavor mingle closely, creating a delicious, creamy, marmalade-like drink that intoxicates with its juiciness. The perfect companion for understanding the unique states of tea.

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