The distinctive feature of this tea is that it is made from the same raw materials usually used to make Guangdong oolongs, and the processing technology is classic for red tea. The leaves are thin, oblong, matte-black, medium in size. When warmed by the breath, the aroma is quite heavy and complex. I would like to highlight dried fruits and vanilla pretzels. Add water at 88°C, and the whole thing is overshadowed by a floral and honey aroma with a hint of ripe fruit. An amber-colored brew that, if left to brew for a long time, can take on the flavor of cognac. The bouquet of flavors is also complex and multi-faceted. Sweetness of hazelnuts, cakes, dates, fruit, honey, geranium and lilac. Pleasant bitterness of apple seeds and anise. Floral and citrus acidity. Distinct and long-lasting grapefruit aftertaste. Holds water well. Not every oolong from Guangdong can boast this. A state of semi-enlightenment, concentration and focus. The tea is warming and gradually stimulating.